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Transcript Requests:
If you needing a transcript for a current student or a former student under the age of 21, you can request an official or unofficial transcript directly from Eisenhower High School via email or call Valerie Williams, Guidance Specialist at 509-573-2878.

If the request is for a former student age 21 or older, you will need to contact

The Student and Family Center across from the Central Administration Building, 105 N 4th Ave. Phone: 509-573-7022 Fax: 509-573-7183 Email

Please note:

  • We do not charge for transcripts.
  • Diplomas are given out at graduation. We do not have duplicate copies of diplomas. 

Information you need to request your transcript:

  • Your name when you attended school
  • Your date of birth
  • The name of the last high school you attended
  • The year you graduated or last attended
  • Your ID (your ID must include a picture, date of birth, and a signature) The best way to send your ID is to take a picture of your ID with your phone and email it to  (for over 21 yr of age) or email (for former students under 21 yrs of age)
  • Mailing information if you request your transcript mailed to you or a 3rd party